Boundary Waters in Cook County

Canoe Trip Outfitters for BWCAW and Quetico Adventures

Millions of years ago, ancient glaciers carved out the oldest rocks in the world. These antique carvings now make up the thousands of crystal clear lakes, rugged cliffs, hills, rocky shorelines and pine studded islands that are located in the northeastern most tip of the US and Canadian border in Minnesota. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) is where silence and serenity are here for you to discover. You will hear no traffic, ringing phones or notifications of any kind. Only the haunting call of the Minnesota loon lulling you to sleep.

Over 1 million acres large, The BWCAW extends almost 150 miles along the international boundary of Canada’s Quetico Provincial Park. National Geographic named the BWCAW one of the world’s “50 Places of a Lifetime.” And here in Cook County, we have 44 entry points into this vast watery wilderness.

Experience A Dark Sky Sanctuary

A trip to the BWCAW is an adventure into a true wilderness. In a place this remote, the absence of human-made light means you’ll experience one of the darkest skies in the world. The entirety of the BWCAW gained Dark Sky Sanctuary status in 2020, making it the first certified site in Minnesota and the first federally designated wilderness area. The BWCAW is the 13th location in the world to gain this unique title, and at over 1 million acres in size, it is the largest Dark Sky Sanctuary.

When to Visit the BWCAW?

Though the warmer months are the most popular with our visitors, do keep in mind the BWCAW is a year-round destination. Overnight (quota) permits are required from May 1 through September 30, so remember to reserve your permit before your trip.

For those familiar with winter camping and the right gear for warmth and endurance, this area offers one of the most isolated winter territory adventures in the world. February and March are peak Northern Light display times. If you venture into the cold wilderness and silence at these times, your life will be richer for it. Fishing is excellent year-round in the BWCAW. Visit this page to learn more about fishing in Cook County.

Canoe Outfitters – the BWCAW First-timers Best Friends

The canoe trip outfitters located in Cook County are full service. You will find everything you need to make sure your trip is complete, including assistance with BWCAW permits, teaching you how to hang a bear pack and shuttling you to your entry point.

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