News Releases in Cook County
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Visit Cook County Celebrates “Heart of Hospitality” with Free Coffee for Hospitality Workers and Awards Hospitality Workers Get a Free Cup of Coffee September 15-20, 2024 Grand Marais, MN…
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The Gunflint Scramble mountain bike race returns along with a brand new bikepacking event Bearskin Lodge is encouraging riders to explore the challenging terrain of the Central Gunflint Ski Trail…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE German Editors Discover the Heart of Minnesota's North Shore. Visit Cook County and Explore Minnesota partner on FAM Tour in Grand Marais Grand Marais, Minn. (June 6, 2024)…
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Grand Marais Campground & Recreation Area installs Adaptive Kayak Launch New dock offers ADA-compliant access for paddlers with disabilities. Grand Marais, Minn. – June 4, 2024 – Paddlers of all…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Visitors generate over $220 Million of economic activity in Cook County annually In celebration of the kickoff to summer, Visit Cook County is hosting an Open House on May 23…
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May 07, 2024 – Grand Marais, Minn.-- On May 7 th , a Chamber Exchange was held to allow Chamber Members to engage in open communication with our community leaders about matters that are occurring in the…
Cook County Chamber Welcomes The Title Team’s New Location with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony!
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Grand Marais, MN – 04/16/24 – The Cook County Chamber of Commerce proudly hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate The Title Team's grand opening in their brand-new Grand Marais location! The…
Learning from Leaders: Northern Ontario Tourism Delegation Explores Best Practices in Cook County
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Visit Cook County Hosts "Destination Northern Ontario Best Practices Mission" Delegation, Grand Marais, MN – 4/15/24 – Visit Cook County, the official tourism authority for Cook County, Minnesota…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Brave the Chill, Warm the Soul: Take the Plunge for Gunflint Trail Firefighters! Celebrate the end of the winter season and raise funds for the local fire department Gunflint…
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Lutsen, Minn. – February 6, 2024 – At approximately 12:24 am the Lutsen Resort staff reported smoke coming from the lobby area. Promptly, nine local volunteer fire departments along with the Cook…
New & Notable
The creative entrepreneurs of the North Shore and Gunflint Trail are continually reinventing ways to serve and attract people to their businesses…
Awards & Accolades
Don't just take our word for it, the communities and businesses in Cook County have earned numerous accolades.
Local Business Spotlight
This series was created in partnership with WTIP to highlight the community’s economic strength and innovation of both new businesses as…
Social Media
The best part of being a sought after vacation getaway is getting to see our backyard through your eyes. Please bring us along on your journey. Share…
Story Ideas
Visit Cook County works closely with freelancers, influencers, content creators, and media partners to share the story of the Cook County communities…
Press Kit
Check out the Visit Cook County Press Kit for logos, materials and videos from Visit Cook County.